Welcome to SFM Summer Youth Intensive 2024!

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Attention Parents of Teen Youth ages 13-18

Registration for the 2024 SFM Summer Youth Intensive  is NOW OPEN!

"FRONTLINERS: Training the Next Generation of Spiritual Soldiers" is an immersive summer youth intensive designed to equip young believers with the tools, discipline, and courage needed to defend their faith, overcome spiritual battles, and make a profound impact for Christ in their communities.

““For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This year’s overarching message to the youth will be a sobering reminder that our lives are called to be  set apart for glory of God and with the perspective of the Gospel!  In a world that so actively seeks to indoctrinate and deviate young Believers from the Truths of the Gospel and godly living, SFM is committed to partnering with parents to training up a generation of SOJOURNER Teens who are empowered to NOT BECOME influenced by the world, but TO BE an influence by the Spirit with the Gospel!

Over the five days of the Youth Intensive, every message and activity will revolve around the various themes of every Believer's spiritual battle against the desires of the flesh, the cunning lies & traps of the enemy and the ungodly influences of this world.

register today!”

***If you have a real need for financial assistance or have multiple siblings (2+) registering for the Intensive,
you may be eligible for discounted pricing, please contact me at the number below.  

Please DO NOT let financial impediments keep you from registering and sending your child.  
NOTE:  Ask about the availability of Scholarships for families in serious financial need.  

sfm@ihopeg.org  | (908) 858-2544

Your teen will never be the same!  Each day they will have social interactions, and spiritual trainings that are specifically geared towards leading your teens from responding to one message after the other each time leading to a deeper and more profound encounter and commitment our LORD Jesus Christ.  We want to partner with you to see your Teenaged young Believer fighting their battles and living as overcomers…
SIGN THEM UP TODAY and let’s equip them as “SOLDIERS OF THE LORD!” equipping with the weapons of warfare that are mighty through God!